Argentinian Tortafritas

The posts about Argetina could not be complete without some Argentinian recipes. Fortunately, a friend of my husband, Jose Luis, sent us some photos how they cook using a special pot. You can read about it in my post Argentinian Recipe. Now he sent us an other use of the same pot. Here you can see the photos. Those are Tortafritas. Sincerely I did not understand is it cheese or bread. In any case it has to be very good, I think. Mmmm... Specially if those are pieces of friesd cheese... I like fried cheeeeeeeesssssss...

Что-то жареное. То ли сыр, то лилепёшки.Тортиллас называется.

Что-то жареное. То ли сыр, то лилепёшки.Тортиллас называется.

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